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Close to EUR 100 million increase proposed for the Ministry of the Interior’s administrative branch

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 4.11.2021 13.38 | Published in English on 4.11.2021 at 15.45
Type:Press release 138/2021

In the fourth supplementary budget for 2021, a net increase of EUR 99.7 million is proposed for the administrative branch of the Ministry of the Interior. This includes EUR 65 million for the procurement of new offshore patrol vessels for the Border Guard, EUR 30 million for safeguarding the operations of the police and EUR 10.38 million for the administrative branch’s expenditure arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and internal border controls. 

On the other hand, cuts are proposed for the item for the EU Home Affairs Funds and for expenditure arising from transportation relating to removal from the country and pick-ups from abroad amounting to a total of approximately EUR -9.54 million.

EUR 30 million increase secures police operations

The financial situation of the police has been very tight in 2021. The EUR 30 million increase proposed for the police will ensure sufficient funding for the police in 2021 and mean that the police will not need to make adjustments to the number of police person-years in 2022. 

An increase of EUR 0.21 million is also proposed for the police to detect corruption offences and to support investigation as well as an increase of EUR 0.4 million to strengthen capabilities for combatting cybercrime. 

Two new offshore patrol vessels will be procured for the Border Guard

An additional appropriation of EUR 65 million is proposed for the Border Guard for the procurement of two new Turva-class offshore patrol vessels. The new vessels will replace three older vessels. The procurement authorisation and appropriation that were granted earlier will not be sufficient to acquire new offshore patrol vessels. The need for the increase is due, among other things, to the rise in the market prices of raw materials and ship components caused by the pandemic.

Kalajoki wildfire costs to be covered

The widespread wildfire in the village of Rautio in Kalajoki took over two weeks to extinguish between July and August. A large number of rescue personnel and equipment from all 22 rescue service regions in Finland participated in extinguishing the wildfire. The Jokilaaksot Rescue Department also had to prepare for evacuations during the fire. The fire resulted in significant unforeseen costs for the Jokilaaksot Rescue Department. An increase of EUR 1.6 million is therefore proposed for covering these costs.

Expenditure increases due to COVID-19 pandemic and internal border controls

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused additional expenditure for the administrative branch. Altogether EUR 6.98 million is proposed for the administrative branch for the measures taken to prepare for and combat the coronavirus pandemic. The Border Guard continued to carry out border controls at internal borders until 26 July 2021. An increase of EUR 3.4 million is proposed to cover the costs incurred from internal border controls. 

The fourth supplementary budget proposal for 2021 was submitted to Parliament on Thursday 4 November.

Kati Korpi, Director of Finance and Planning, tel. +358 295 488 513
Heikki Sairanen, Special Adviser to Minister Ohisalo, tel. +358 50 456 4662
