Helsinki City Rescue Department
Rescue services equipment
An automatic fire alarm system automatically notifies the emergency services both locally and directly of incipient fires and faults that endanger the operability of the system.
The purpose of the emergency key box is to enable firefighters to enter the building. It improves the preconditions for rescue operations and reduces the damage caused to the building by a possible fire or other accident.
The Rescue Department must be provided a site information form and a site drawing of all buildings with automatic fire alarm systems and emergency key boxes. The information must be kept up to date and any changes must be reported to the Rescue Department. The site information form is intended to support the rescue department’s operational activities. It must cover the essential facts that the Rescue Department needs to know in order to deal with an accident situation. The information must enable the Rescue Department to form an overall picture of the site and its arrangements and to easily find the equipment intended for use by the Rescue Department.
How can we help you?
The Rescue Department provides services connected to
- submittal of a new site information form,
- site information form updates,
- emergency key box contracts,
- requests to close or check an emergency key box, and
- notifications when equipment is inoperable.
Please do the following.
- Sign the emergency key box contract before submitting it.
- Submit the target drawing as a separate PDF file.
- You must also report any changes in the device ID of the fire alarm or the primary purpose of the building.
- In the subject line of the message, state the subject, the name and address of the site, as well as the device ID of the fire alarm (the subject can be, for example, a new fire alarm system, an information form update, an emergency key box contract or closing/checking an emergency key box etc.), and a clear description of the subject, schedule and contact information in the text field.
We will contact you once we have processed the matter or if we need more information. Emails are handled during office hours on business days.
New builds and renovated buildings
See the contact person for the planner guidance group according to the region. Primarily contact the fire inspector who stamped the fire safety plan.
The Rescue Department provides services connected to
- site information forms,
- emergency key boxes, closing of emergency key boxes,
- dismantling of fire alarm and/or ERC connections from a building remaining in use,
- demolition of equipment when the building is being demolished,
- disconnection of equipment,
- site information forms and emergency key boxes of existing sites, and
- false alarms.
Instructions and forms related to rescue services equipment (in Finnish)
The files are in pdf format.
- Helsingin pelastuslaitoksen ohje hätäkeskukseen yhdistettävistä paloilmoittimista ja sammutuslaitteistoista
- Uudenmaan pelastuslaitosten ohje erheellisten paloilmoitusten vähentämiseksi
- Uudenmaan pelastuslaitosten ohje paloilmoittimen ja sprinklerin tilapäisestä irtikytkennästä
- Palovaroitinjärjestelmän tietolomake taloyhtiön ilmoitustaululle
- Helsingin pelastuslaitoksen ohje viivästetyn paloilmoituksen käyttöönotosta
- Palovaroitin
- Palovaroitinjärjestelmä, asukkaalle
- Palovaroitinjärjestelmä, laitevastaavalle
- Miten välttää automaattisen paloilmoittimen erheelliset paloilmoitukset
- Avainsäilösopimus
- Kohdekorttilomake
Contact and delivery of documents:
- The on-call fire inspector
The on-call fire inspector
09 310 31203
palotarkastaja@hel.fiThe on-call fire inspector answers Helsinki residents’ questions about fire safety Mon–Fri at 9.00–11.00 and 12.00–14.00 and by email at Mon–Fri at 9.00–15.00.
If you have any questions about a specific fire inspection, please contact the fire inspector who carried out the inspection directly. You can find the contact information in, for example, the fire inspection report.