Information and forms for organisers of temporary accommodation.
Temporary accommodation means a short-term stay on premises that are not approved in a valid building permit for overnight or accommodation use. Temporary accommodation on these premises is possible if the safety arrangements for accommodation have been implemented in accordance with these instructions and the rescue authority for the area has approved the facility in question for use as temporary accommodation.
Temporary accommodation may not exceed seven (7) days. Weekly stays cannot be considered temporary stays.
The accommodation organiser must notify the rescue authority about the temporary accommodation with the attached form at least 14 days before the intended temporary accommodation begins.
You can send the form either:
or by post to Länsi-Uusimaa Rescue Department, On-duty fire inspector, Palomiehentie 1, 02750 ESPOO.
For more information on the procedure, please contact the on-duty fire inspector, tel. 029 151 2512 (weekdays at 9:00–11.30).