We serve the functions of the capital and the people there by assessing risks, preventing accidents, rescuing people, property and the environment and protecting and instructing the population in accidents and emergencies.
Helsinki Rescue Department has 12 rescue stations throughout the city. For fire-fighting and rescue missions, the Emergency Response Centre alerts the nearest rescue unit, which exists at all rescue stations.
The personnel of Helsinki Rescue Department’s emergency medical service comprises approximately 75 full-time paramedics and more than 500 rescue paramedics, who have received training in both rescue and emergency medical services.
We produce accident prevention services, which include, for example, training, campaigns, monitoring, counseling and multi-channel communication, as well as active activities in social media.
The civil defence duties of the rescue authorities include warning the population, evacuation, directing people into civil defence shelters and fire-fighting and rescue operations.
The fire inspection ensures that the owner, occupant and operator of the building have taken care of the prevention of fires and other dangerous situations.