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There are 21 rescue departments in Finland, which are managed by municipalities and which carry out rescue service duties in their regions. Rescue departments cooperate with other authorities and with local residents and communities in the prevention of accidents and maintenance of security. The goal of the Rescue Act is to enable individuals, owners and occupants of buildings, and business and industrial operators to prevent accidents within their living environments and activities, and to prepare for the limitation and avoidance of the losses and consequences of accidents. Everyone can create a safer life and environment through their own activities. 

Security is co-operation!

Finland to send rescue personnel to Portugal to help manage wildfires

Finland will participate in a rescue service deployment by sending 48 experts in international civil protection to Portugal. These experts will be tasked with helping local authorities manage wildfires. The first of two groups will leave for Portugal at the beginning of August.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 24.7.2024 10:07

Finland exercises use of EU strategic stockpiles

The EU’s strategic stockpiles in Finland can be deployed in major accidents and emergencies. Supplies must be ready for delivery within 12 hours. An extensive exercise was organised under the lead of the Ministry of the Interior from 27 May to 30 May 2024 where assistance was delivered to an accident area. 
Press release Ministry of Social Affairs and HealthMinistry of the Interior Rescue services, 30.5.2024 14:43

Minister Rantanen visits Vienna and Brussels to discuss migration and EU preparedness

Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen met Austria's Federal Minister for the Interior in Vienna on Monday. The ministers discussed cooperation between the two countries in migration policy, ways to manage migration, and partnerships with third countries. Minister Rantanen will travel from Vienna to Brussels, where she will participate in the European Civil Protection Forum's high-level panel discussion on EU preparedness.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 3.6.2024 14:01

Minister of the Interior Rantanen speaks with Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs

Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen and Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko held a videoconference on Friday 31 May. The home affairs ministers discussed Finland's assistance to Ukraine and Ukraine's immediate support needs. The ministers also talked about Ukraine's preparedness expertise.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 31.5.2024 16:28

Countries on EU's external border face common challenges

The interior ministers of Finland, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland met in Latvia's capital, Riga, on 23 and 24 May. The ministers discussed the countries' common security challenges, especially those concerning the EU's external borders. Finland was represented at the meeting by Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 24.5.2024 12:37

Delivery of material assistance to Ukraine continues

During Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Finland has actively delivered civilian material assistance to Ukraine. A total of 76 vehicles and 311 truckloads of aid have been donated from Finland. The collection and delivery of material assistance to Ukraine continues.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 8.5.2024 14:52
Invoice in person's hand

Erillisverkot security network company warns: Fake invoices related to “Virve 2.0 tarkastukset ja kuuluvuustarkastukset” (Virve 2.0 inspections and reception inspections)

Housing and joint-stock property companies have received fake invoices related to “Virve 2.0 tarkastukset ja kuuluvuustarkastukset” (Virve 2.0 inspections and reception inspections).
Press release Rescue services, 16.4.2024 13:52

Finland to send expert to support Ukraine in preparing for CBRN risks

Ukraine has requested assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in preparing for threats related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents. Finland responds to the request by sending an expert to join the EU’s international team.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 5.3.2024 9:52

Finland to send wildfire preparedness expert to Czechia

Czechia has requested assistance in preparing for wildfires through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Finland responds to the request by sending a risk management expert to join the EU’s international team in the country. 
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 1.3.2024 13:54

Emergency material assistance supplied to Ukraine for two years

The second anniversary of the beginning of the Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine in its entirety will be this week on 24 February 2024. However, one anniversary was already observed last week on 15 February, when it had been exactly two years since the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism following Ukraine’s request for assistance.
Press release Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 23.2.2024 13:52