Accidents always occur unexpectedly, and you must be prepared for them. A wise person is careful, prepared for different types of accidents, and practises. Having the right attitude is a good start, with the help of which you can influence your surroundings. Do you think about the safety of your surroundings, and are you prepared for unexpected emergencies?
Call 112!
- When can I call 112?
- Can I call without a SIM card?
- Have you downloaded the 112 app?
Alarm signal
- Why is an alarm signal sounded?
- When are the alarm sirens tested?
- What should I do?
- Help, fire! What should I do?
- How quickly should I get out?
- There is smoke in the stairway. What should I do?
Sheltering indoors
- When should I shelter indoors?
- Where can I shelter?
- Are civil defence shelters ready to use?
Traffic accident
- Should I stop at the scene of an accident?
- When should I make an emergency call?
- How do I start helping?
Emergency warning
- When is an emergency warning issued?
- How do I know that an emergency warning has been issued?
- Where can I see it?
After an accident
- My home burned down. What should I do?
- Who will help me?
- Will the insurance cover the loss?
Helping an animal
- What should I do when an animal needs help?
- When can I call 112?
- A cat is stuck in a tree. How could I help?
First aid firefighting equipment
- What is it?
- How do I get rid of old equipment?
- Who services and inspects firefighting equipment?
Using a portable fire extinguisher
- When should I use a fire extinguisher?
- For how long will it keep working?
- Where can I get a fire extinguisher?
Fire blanket
- Where should I keep it at home?
- How do I use it?
- Is it effective?
First aid firefighting
- What should I do to start first aid firefighting?
- Why do I need to be quick?
- Where can I practise?
Stirrup pump & fire hose reel
- Am I allowed to use a fire hose reel?
- What substance does it spray?
- For how long can I keep extinguishing a fire with a fire hose reel?