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The ERC forwards assignments automatically

The operator of the system and the Emergency Response Centre Agency agree on the connection of a fire detector to the ERC. The connection agreement specifies, for example, the persons the authorities can contact in the event of an alarm. The transmission connection of the fire alarm to the ERC is tested monthly. The ERC processes fire alarms transmitted through a fire detector or an automatic fire extinguishing system as declarations of emergency and automatically forwards assignments to the rescue department.

Fire detectors connected to the ERC transmit more than 17,000 fire alarms every year, which means that every sixth alarm assignment of the rescue services comes through a fire detector. Approximately 94% of the fire reports transmitted by a fire detector are alarm assignments that do not lead to on-site firefighting or rescue operations. Such assignments are commonly referred to as unwanted or false fire alarms. Although the proportion of unwanted fire alarms is massive, fire detectors give the first declaration of more than 600 fires each year.

According to the Rescue Act, the rescue authority of a wellbeing services county may charge a fee for an assignment caused by the repeated unwanted operation of a fire detector connected to the ERC. More than two unwanted fire alarms in the 12 months preceding (not calendar year) is considered repeated unwanted operation of a fire detector.