- The on-call fire inspector
The on-call fire inspector
09 310 31203
palotarkastaja@hel.fiThe on-call fire inspector answers Helsinki residents’ questions about fire safety Mon–Fri at 9.00–11.00 and 12.00–14.00 and by email at palotarkastaja@hel.fi Mon–Fri at 9.00–15.00.
If you have any questions about a specific fire inspection, please contact the fire inspector who carried out the inspection directly. You can find the contact information in, for example, the fire inspection report.
- Safety instructors
Joint email address: turvallisuuskouluttajat@hel.fi
Feedback on accident prevention services
Schedule for open safety trainings in Finnish
Reservations for visits in the rescue station for fourth graders
- Call the city exchange
The City of Helsinki telephone exchange on +358 9 310 1691 will guide you to the right expert.
You can also look for contact details on the City of Helsinki phone book.
- Joint email adresses
- On-call fire inspector (weekdays at 9:00–15:00): palotarkastaja@hel.fi
- Self-assessment of residential buildings: pel.omavalvonta@hel.fi
- Chemical control: pel.kemikaalitiimi@hel.fi
- Rescue equipment: paloilmoitin@hel.fi
- Evacuation safety: pel.poistumisturvallisuusselvitys@hel.fi
- Event safety: pel.tapahtumat@hel.fi
- Safety training: turvallisuuskouluttajat@hel.fi
- Disclosure of information: pel.valvonnantietojenluovutus@hel.fi
- Street addresses of rescue stations
- Central Rescue Station, Agricolankatu 15 A
- Erottaja Rescue Station, Korkeavuorenkatu 26
- Haaga Rescue Station, Vanha Turun maantie 2
- Haaga office building, Vanha Turun maantie 2
- Herttoniemi Rescue Station, Sorvaajankatu 16
- Jätkäsaari Rescue Station, Tyynenmerenkatu 1, 2nd floor
- Konala Rescue Station, Muonamiehentie 13
- Käpylä Rescue Station, Kullervonkatu 7
- Malmi Rescue Station, Malmi airport
- Mellunkylä Rescue Station, Linnanpajantie 6
- Suomenlinna Rescue Station (from May to September), Suomenlinna
- Experts in structural fire safety
See Helsinki map service for contact information and area division of the experts.
Supervision of residential buildings
The aim of the supervision is to support the work on the safety of residential buildings and to help improve the safety of housing.
Administrative coercive measures
Administrative coercive measures are taken when a rectification order issued by the rescue authority is neglected.
Notification of an obvious risk of a fire or other accident
‘Fire-risk home’ refers to a flat or a building where an obvious fire hazard has been identified. Typically, fire-risk homes are filled with a lot of clutter.
Periodic fire inspection
The objective of fire inspections is to support the operator’s independent preparedness and to monitor compliance with the Rescue Act.
Rescue services equipment
City of Helsinki Rescue Department provides services related to fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing equipment, site information forms and emergency key boxes.
Evacuation safety reports
Evacuation safety means that the persons in the building are able to leave the building in the event of a fire or other sudden dangerous situations, or they can be evacuated in another way.
Guidance and advice for structural fire safety
We guide town planners and people undertaking construction projects on structural fire safety.
Temporary accommodation in places of assembly
Temporary accommodation may be arranged in premises that have not been approved for overnight stays or accommodation, subject to certain conditions. The rescue authority supervises that temporary accommodation complies with the requirements of the Rescue Act.
Safety communications
The aim of safety communications and education is to improve the readiness of individuals and organisations to take care of safety independently.
Supervision of chemicals (In Finnish)
Supervision of public events
A public event is a planned gathering with a specific purpose, and a beginning and an end. Helsinki City Rescue Department supervises the safety of public events and provides guidance and advice on the preparation of the emergency plan and safety arrangements.