Helsinki City Rescue Department
Supervision of public events
Helsinki City Rescue Department supervises the safety of public events and provides guidance and advice on the preparation of the emergency plan and safety arrangements.
The pages below provide a wealth of information on the safety and supervision of public events. Please note that the content is common to all Finnish rescue departments. In matters concerning Helsinki, you can contact our public event safety experts.
Instructions and forms about public events
- Emergency plan of the public event template
- Pelastuslaitosten kumppanuusverkoston Räjähteiden ja vaarallisten kemikaalien käyttö erikoistehosteena yleisötapahtumissa –opas (in Finnish)
- Pelastuslaitosten kumppanuusverkoston ohje henkilökapasiteetin määrittämisestä ulkotapahtumissa (in Finnish)
- Ilmoitus kemikaalien vähäisestä teollisesta käsittelystä ja varastoinnista (in Finnish)
- Instruction about using lighweight and pop-up tents at events by the expert network of the rescue department partnership
- First aid plan
- Uudenmaan pelastuslaitosten pelastustieohje (in Finnish)
- Taksaluettelo (in Finnish)
Contact and delivery of documents:
- The on-call fire inspector
The on-call fire inspector
09 310 31203
palotarkastaja@hel.fiThe on-call fire inspector answers Helsinki residents’ questions about fire safety Mon–Fri at 9.00–11.00 and 12.00–14.00 and by email at Mon–Fri at 9.00–15.00.
If you have any questions about a specific fire inspection, please contact the fire inspector who carried out the inspection directly. You can find the contact information in, for example, the fire inspection report.