Pelastustoimi.fi - strong together
There are 21 rescue departments in Finland, which are managed by municipalities and which carry out rescue service duties in their regions. Rescue departments cooperate with other authorities and with local residents and communities in the prevention of accidents and maintenance of security. The goal of the Rescue Act is to enable individuals, owners and occupants of buildings, and business and industrial operators to prevent accidents within their living environments and activities, and to prepare for the limitation and avoidance of the losses and consequences of accidents. Everyone can create a safer life and environment through their own activities.
Security is co-operation!

Finland delivered assistance from EU emergency stockpile to Ukraine
Finland has for the first time delivered assistance from an EU-funded rescEU stockpile to a country that has requested assistance. This week, a truckload of personal protective equipment and chemical detectors was delivered to Ukraine to respond to the needs of the country's rescue services.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 8.1.2025 13:06

Transitional period to be extended for provisions on accessibility of emergency calls
Provisions on the answering of emergency communications made to the general emergency number and on the accessibility of the number were added to the Act on Emergency Response Centre Operations in 2023. The legislative amendments implemented the EU Directive on the accessibility requirements for products and services (European Accessibility Act). The amendments will enter into force on 28 June 2025.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 9.1.2025 9:56

Changes in the administrative branch of the Ministry of the Interior at the turn of the year
The start of 2025 will see the entry into force of new acts and decrees. This press release provides a summary of the most important changes in the Ministry of the Interior’s administrative branch.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 20.12.2024 11:00

Finland continues to provide material assistance – truckload of solar panels delivered to Ukraine
During May and November, Finland delivered 68 truckloads of civilian material assistance to Ukraine.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 11.12.2024 15:02

The Nordic countries must be prepared for threats of all kinds
Government ministers and their deputies responsible for civil preparedness and provision in the Nordic countries met in Oslo on 28 November. The meeting took place in new circumstances, with all of the Nordic countries now members of NATO. Finland was represented at the meeting by Interior Minister Mari Rantanen.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 28.11.2024 14:16

New guide instructs people how to prepare for incidents and crises in Finland
The new Preparing for Incidents and Crises guide aimed at the entire population has been published on Suomi.fi. The Ministry of the Interior produced the online guide together with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and an extensive cooperation network. The guide collects preparedness instructions in one place.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 18.11.2024 9:00

Government issues new decree to specify cooperation in preparedness for civil defence in wellbeing services counties
On 24 October, the Government issued a decree laying down provisions on cooperation in preparedness for civil defence and related plans in the wellbeing services counties. The decree specifies the practices of cooperation between the authorities of the wellbeing services counties.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 24.10.2024 14:21

Finland and Sweden to strengthen civil preparedness and emergency planning together
At a meeting between the Finnish and Swedish governments in Stockholm on 16 September, the countries agreed to further intensify their cooperation in civil preparedness and emergency planning. Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior Lulu Ranne and Minister for Civil Defence Carl-Oskar Bohlin signed a letter of intent concerning the joint planning of the protection of the civilian population.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 16.9.2024 15:10

Minister Ranne: Government strengthens police and Border Guard activities in budget negotiations
“Next year’s budget proposal shows that the Government has the will to strengthen security. In Finland, help is available in times of need,” says Lulu Ranne, Minister of Transport, Communications and the Interior.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 3.9.2024 19:33

Joint EU crisis preparedness helps support preparedness in all Member States
The civil preparedness ministers of the Nordic countries, Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine met in Vilnius on 6 September to discuss the current situation and common challenges. Items on the agenda included warning the population, civil defence shelters and mass evacuations across borders. Finland was represented at the meeting by State Secretary Antti Salminen.
Press release
Ministry of the Interior Rescue services, 6.9.2024 12:30