Palomies pumpulla


Note that you always need a permission to let off fireworks outside the specific times in which they are allowed.

Permitted times for fireworks

1. New Year

Fireworks intended for private consumers can be let off between 18:00 on 31 December and 2:00 on 1 January.

2. Last weekend of August

The end of the boating and holiday season is marked on the last weekend of August. This celebration has traditionally included fireworks. You should note that the rescue department in each region decides if fireworks are allowed during this celebration or if a separate notification is required.

Always note that

  1. Regional rescue departments may also have specific schedules, prohibition areas and restrictions and give instructions and advice related to fireworks. Always check any restrictions before you let off fireworks.
  2. A written permission issued by the regional rescue authority is required to let off fireworks at other times besides the New Year’s night and last weekend of August. You should notify the regional rescue department 14 days before a fireworks display. Notifications submitted later than this will not be processed.
  3. Letting off fireworks is prohibited when a grass fire or forest fire warning is in force or when it is very windy.

Fireworks displays - remember to notify

When fireworks are let off at an event that is not organised by a private individual, this is a fireworks display. The organiser of a fireworks display must submit a notification to the police using the form available at poliisi.fiLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab. The police will ask for a statement from the rescue department.

You can find the form for giving notification of a fireworks display or use of pyrotechnic effects under Online services, Notice of a fireworks display.

Always take particular care when using fireworks

Be careful, as serious injuries or damage to the property for the user and/or other people may be caused if you do not use fireworks correctly.

When using fireworks, note the following

  1. Observe the time limits for letting off fireworks. Fireworks may be let off between 18:00 and 2:00 in the New Year’s night. Outside these specific times you always need a permission to let off fireworks.
  2. Do not use fireworks if you have been drinking alcohol. You are responsible for the consequences of any fireworks you have bought, regardless of your condition.
  3. Select the place for letting off fireworks carefully and ensure that you do not put people, buildings, vehicles or other property at risk. Also avoid causing unacceptable nuisance to people, pets and livestock who are disturbed by the noise. Remember that used fireworks and the sticks on which they are attached will fall down. This is why you should avoid letting off fireworks in the middle of housing estates. Suitable places include edges of clearings away from buildings, such as fields, different playing fields, large empty parking areas, water areas and similar sites where fireworks can be let off in a safe direction. Use a suitable stand or support for letting off the fireworks. You will have a more impressive fireworks display if several people come together in the same place.
  4. Read the instructions for use that come with the products you bought well in advance and follow them. Pay particular attention to letting the rockets off in a safe direction and the method of lighting them. Once you have lit the rocket, go back to a safe distance following the instructions.
  5. You should wear safety goggles when letting of fireworks and use tapers or similar to light them. Those who are watching should also wear eye protection.
  6. Make sure you do not leave rubbish in the environment. You should pick up spent fireworks, sticks and other waste from the site on the following day at the latest.


  • Light fireworks or bangers indoors.
  • Let off fireworks from the balcony or window of a residential building.
  • Light a rocket when you are holding it in your hand, unless the instructions specifically say that it is safe.
  • Direct or throw a lighted rocket towards other people, buildings, other property or combustible materials.
  • Use bangers, which are nowadays banned completely.
  • Modify or combine the products you buy in a shop in any way.
  • Use other products besides those you buy in a shop; the most serious accidents are usually caused by home-made products.
  • Hand over fireworks you have bought to persons who are under 18 years old or who have been drinking alcohol. You are always responsible for the use of any products you have bought.

Legislation sets requirements for the storage of fireworks

At most 5 kg of fireworks may be stored in a flat or rooms used by people. This quantity means the amount of explosives and pyrotechnic substances contained in fireworks, which in practice account for about one quarter of the fireworks. As a total weight, the volume you can store thus is around 20 kg. Fireworks must be stored in a locked cabinet, making sure that no heat sources are close by, and that fire is not handled near them in ways that could cause the fireworks to ignite. However, fireworks may not be stored in attics, basement storage spaces belonging to flats, or shared facilities.

Read more:

Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes)Link to an external website, Opens in a new tab
Government Decree on Supervision of the Manufacturing and Storage of ExplosivesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (in Finnish)
Notification referred to in section 97 of the Act on Safety in Handling Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives (390/2005)Link to an external website, Opens in a new tab (in Finnish)