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Society around us is changing and the Rescue Department with it. We meet the needs of the growing, ageing and diversifying City of Helsinki. We are anticipating and preparing for the impacts of diverse drivers of change.

Responding to these challenges requires systematic evaluation of our operations, constant research and development and the application of best practices. We follow international and domestic research in the field, in addition to which we also study phenomena related to rescue services, safety, personnel and the operating environment.

The research activities are based on the rescue services’ research programme and research needs arising from practical work. Important focus areas include evaluating the effectiveness and productivity of operations. In addition to more extensive research and surveys, the research activities are responsible for the preparation of the area’s risk analysis, the development of methods and the collection and analysis of data to support the planning, development and decision-making of our operations.

In addition to independent research, the Rescue Department actively participates in the implementation of research projects with various rescue departments, research institutes and other partners. The results and outputs of the projects will be shared openly with citizens and experts for further use.

The Rescue Department’s research activities are the responsibility of Research Manager Kari Paasonen,, +358 9 310 300 25.
You can contact the Research Manager in matters related to research cooperation or other research conducted by the Rescue Department.

Publications (In Finnish)