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Do you have sufficient emergency supplies for 72 hours?

A long power outage or interruption in the supply of clean drinking water can cause a situation in which society's services are disrupted or even suspended. The authorities and NGOs recommend that households should be prepared to manage for 72 hours without outside help.

Households’ preparedness is highly significant for society and, above all, for individuals. This is why you, too, should be prepared for incidents.

Households should be prepared to cope independently for at least three days in case of an incident. You should always have food and medicines at home for at least three days. It is also important to know the basics of preparedness: for example, where can you find reliable information during an incident, and how can you manage in a home where the heating no longer works?

Are you a self-sufficient survivor?

Every home should have a sufficient supply of daily foodstuffs and other essential goods in case of unexpected incidents. You should have enough emergency supplies for the whole family for several days or up to a week. Water and food are the most important part, but emergency supplies also involve other things, and you must keep topping up and looking after the supplies in order to cope. See the list given as an example and think about your family’s level of preparedness. Is it sufficient?

Emergency supplies for three days for one adult:

  • 6 litres of water and other drinks,
  • 600 g of vegetables,
  • 400 g of fruit and berries,
  • 200 g of potatoes,
  • 200 g of pasta, rice and similar,
  • 550 g of bread and cereal products,
  • 1 litre of milk, buttermilk, yoghurt and other cultured milk products; or
  • corresponding plant-based products,
  • 60 g of cheese,
  • 400 g of fish, eggs, meat,
  • or plant protein,
  • 150 g of oil/fats,
  • 100 g of dried fruit,
  • 90 g of nuts/seeds,
  • 100 g of sweets/chocolate,
  • 100 g of sugar, honey.

Approx. 2,300 kcal/day in total.

Also personal medicines and hygiene products, nappies, a battery-powered radio, a flashlight, batteries, candles, matches, warm clothes, blankets, pillows, etc.

It is worth being prepared for incidents. You should also remember that you have an obligation to help others. So we can be survivors together.

Use the emergency supplies in your normal daily life and keep topping them up. Remember the special needs of children, older people and those who are sick.

Read more:

72 hours
Preparing for incidents and crises -