Our safety communications aim to improve the readiness of individuals and organisations to take care of safety independently. We want the citizens of Helsinki to have good basic knowledge of safety and a strong sense of safety. 

Safety education

The key target groups of the Rescue Department’s safety education are children in pre-primary education, fourth grade and eighth grade. In addition, we use an operating model that tackles unauthorised handling of fire with children and young people of all ages.

We provide safety education for children in A firefighter helps children to try on the firefighter's helmet. pre-primary education in close cooperation with early childhood education services. Together, we develop methods and materials with which safety education is made part of the everyday life of early childhood education. We meet the children during visits to playgrounds, which our safety trainers carry out together with the Rescue School and contract fire brigades. 

We invite fourth-graders to visit the fire station to get acquainted with the operations of the rescue station and to receive safety instruction. There is also a distance learning option. The lessons are given by our firefighters trained in the operating model. More information tuvikoulutus@hel.fi

Reservations for visitsLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab

We educate eighth graders according to the national NouHätä! concept. More information nouhata@hel.fi and the campaign websiteLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab. The campaign website also has plenty of educational materials for schools.

Unauthorised handling of fire by children and young people can be tackled with the Tulipysäkki (“Fire Stop”) operating model. The activities are conducted in cooperation between the Rescue Department and other authorities. The approach includes both preventive training and interventions with children who have been caught playing with fire and their families. Training enquiries on the training request formLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab

You can ask about the possibility of training other groups of children or young people via the training request formLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab.

Safety training

A person extinguishing a pool fire with a portable fire extinguisher. We offer free safety training open to all. Everyone interested in s afety can attend the training sessions. Enquiries etaika.pelastuslaitos@hel.fi. 

Training schedulesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (in Finnish)

You can also enquire about customised training for work communities and similar groups of more than 10 people. In addition to training enquiries, the form can be used to submit requests to arrange a safety walk or to observe an evacuation drill, for example. Please submit the request as early as possible, as our training sessions are in high demand. We only organise training for work communities and groups in Helsinki. 

The training request formLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab

You should also explore the activities of the two museums we maintain: the Fire Museum Civil Defence Museum and the Civil Defence Museum. Group visits to both museums are possible. You can also explore the Fire Museum through this videoLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab.


The Helsingin pelastusliitto ryLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (in Finnish) rescue association and the contract fire brigadesLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab (in Finnish) of Helsinki also offer safety and preparedness training for housing companies and residents’ associations, for example.

An animated picture, where a fire fighter shows fire distuingisher for a child and an adult.

Materials for safety communications

You can learn about safety independently with these materials or you can use them in safety education and safety training.
