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Welcome to our fire station!

Publication date 15.8.2022 16.08 | Published in English on 15.8.2022 at 17.18
Type:Press release

Open Houses on our Espoo and Kirkkonummi permanent fire stations on August 24th and 26th.

As a part of the Espoo Celebrates! -week the Western Uusimaa Rescue Department will open the doors of Espoo permanent fire stations to let visitors learn about the work of today’s fire and rescue service and about fire safety. Children can also try first extinguishing with stirrup pump. Open Day is on Wednesday 24 August from 3pm to 6pm. Kirkkonummi fire station will be open on Friday 26 August from 3pm to 6 pm as a part of Kirkkonummi Days. Welcome!

Open Houses in Espoo 24.8. 

  • Espoonlahti fire station, Rehtorintie 2
  • Central fire station, Palomiehentie 1
  • Leppävaara fire station, Portinvartijantie 1
  • Mikkelä fire station, Espoontie 4
  • Niittykumpu fire station, Niittyportti 1

Open House in Kirkkonummi 26.8.

  • Kirkkonummi fire station, Upinniementie 56

Espoo Celebrates WeekLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab

Kirkkonummi DaysLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab

See also National Police Day in Espoo, Lohja and Raasepori on Saturday August 27thLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab

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