Government's media service

The Government's media service is an online service for editorial, the use requires registration. The media service is maintained by the Government's Communications Department and the ministries and the Office of the Chancellor of Justice that produce its content.

The Government's media service can be found at to an external website (FI)

Rescue media service -

The rescue media service is an electronic system set up for information related to rescue alerts from the authorities to the media . The aim of the service is to speed up the transmission of information and facilitate the work of the authorities and the media.

The service is in responsibility of the Rescue Department of the Ministry of the Interior and has been designed in co-operation with media representatives and authorities.

The content of the bulletins is in responsibility of the rescue authority leading the operation. This authority shall also decide on the issuance and content of the follow-up notice

The Emergency Response Centre Agency Finland acts as a technical intermediary for bulletins.

Public media service

The media service also includes a public section showing the 100 most recent tasks. The first public announcements are sent automatically from the information center of the emergency center. The information is based on information provided by the notifier and may therefore be inaccurate. The page displays the event location, event type, and time. The public first bulletin is available at http://peto-media.fiLink to an external website (FI)

Public first releases are also made into an RSS feed that is freely available. The feed can be found in Finnish at to an external website (FI)

Service for the media

The media section is only awarded to media companies (media, mainly article, news or image agencies serving the media) and to freelancers of a journalistic work. Freelancers are required to have a press card or other proof of decision to work in journalistic work.

Those working in well-known media can apply directly at to an external website (FI)

If you are a freelancer or otherwise unsure of your eligibility, please email perttu.vepsalainen@govsec.fiLink to an external website to speed up the application process.

Media users can log in to the service at to an external website (FI)