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Government proposes to update emergency response centre legislation to comply with the EU data protection legislation

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 19.9.2022 18.35
Type:Press release

The Government proposes amendments to the emergency response centre legislation to update the provisions on the processing of personal data in centre operations to comply with the EU data protection legislation.

The Emergency Response Centre Agency would become the controller of personal data in respect of surveillance tasks and emergency calls considered to be guarding duties and other data related to assisting public authorities, as well as in respect of personal data related to reports of damage, harassment and wrongdoing, or disruptions in information systems or network traffic.

The National Police Board would be the controller for police data, the authority responsible for the organisation of healthcare and social welfare services in the wellbeing services county would be the controller for healthcare and social welfare data, the authority responsible for the organisation of rescue services in the county would be the controller for rescue service call data, and the Border Guard Headquarters would be the controller for the Border Guard data. 

The proposal would also specify the authorities’ right of access to information and the processing of data for purposes other than the original purpose, and eliminate overlaps with the Act on Information Management in Public Administration.

In addition, the proposal would clarify the Emergency Response Centre Agency core tasks. Under the Consular Services Act, which is included in the proposal, the Emergency Response Centre Agency could assist the Foreign Service in auxiliary consular assistance tasks. According to the proposal to amend the Safety Investigation Act, the Emergency Response Centre Agency could assist the Safety Investigation Authority in receiving reports. 

The proposed amendments would enter into force in stages in 2023 and 2024. 


Annika Parsons, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 488 279,

Juha-Veli Frantti, Senior Officer for Emergency Response Centre Operations, tel. +358 295 488 210, 

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