Finland sent more material assistance to Türkiye and Syria

Over the weekend and on Monday, Finland sent more material assistance to the areas hit by the earthquake in Türkiye. Some of the assistance will be delivered from Türkiye to Syria. There is still a great need for material assistance, such as emergency accommodation and heating, in the region.
The supplies included tents, blankets, heaters and dried food, all of which are acutely needed in the affected area. The Ministry of the Interior has cooperated closely with the Defence Forces and the National Emergency Supply Agency in providing the material assistance.
The need for assistance continues to be great in the affected area, because many people have lost their homes or cannot return to their homes in fear of new earthquakes. More than 50,000 people have died in Türkiye and Syria. Estimates of the number of people in need of assistance vary greatly.
“Shortly after the earthquake hit, Finland provided the affected area with expert assistance and emergency accommodation. Millions of people are trying to cope with difficult conditions in the region, and there is a great need for more assistance. Finland has responded by sending emergency accommodation, heating and food,” says Minister of the Interior Krista Mikkonen.
Finland has previously provided expert and material assistance to the affected area
Assistance is provided through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism. Any country can request assistance via the Civil Protection Mechanism if it faces a crisis that it cannot handle alone. The Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command was responsible for organising the transport of the material assistance.
Immediately after the devastating first earthquakes, Finland provided Türkiye with expert assistance and emergency accommodation for approximately 3,000 people. In addition, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs has responded to the emergency appeal for humanitarian aid made by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and donated EUR one million to Türkiye and Syria. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs also supports the Finnish Red Cross on an annual basis to ensure its capacity to quickly mobilise response to disasters and crises.
Pauliina Eskola, Director of International Affairs, Department for Rescue Services, tel. +358 295 488 263, pauliina.eskola@gov.fi
Mikko Jalo, Special Adviser to the Minister of the Interior, tel. +358 50 304 8522, mikko.jalo@gov.fi
Maria Katajisto, Preparedness Specialist, tel. +358 295 051 036, maria.katajisto@nesa.fi
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