Hot work is work that presents a fire hazard and generate sparks or use flames or other heat.

Hot work safety always requires an assessment of the fire risk and the implementation of the necessary safety measures. During hot work, it must be ensured that the safety measures agreed upon in the hot work permit are implemented and that the fire risk in the work environment has not changed.

Hot work includes electric and gas welding, gas soldering, hot-air blowing, flame cutting and grinding and cutting of metals with a disk cutter. Hot work can be done at a permanent or temporary hot work site.

Caution and care in hot work

The Rescue Act takes into account caution and care when handling fire, including hot work. The Act states that sufficient precautions must be taken when engaging in hot work or other repair work that may cause the risk of a fire or other accident.

Sufficient precautions are defined in SFS standard 5900:2016 Fire precaution of hot works and SFS standard 5991 Fire precautions for hot works located on roofs and waterproofing sites. The standards contain instructions for persons carrying out and supervising hot work and define the security measures required for hot work.

Additional information

On-duty fire inspector

tel. 029 151 2512, weekdays 9:00–11:30

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