Permit application and notification procedure for fireworks
Consumer fireworks (fireworks sold in shops)
Fireworks without a separate notification are allowed from 31 December, 18:00 to 1 January, 02:00.
At other times, the rescue authority must be notified in advance of the use of fireworks. On the basis of the notification, the rescue authority makes a decision which may impose necessary conditions for the use or prohibit the use of fireworks if this presents a particular risk. In its decision, the rescue authority must take into account the times specified in the environmental protection regulations of different municipalities, as fireworks cause noise in the environment. The organiser of the fireworks must inform the residents of the surrounding area where the fireworks are expected to cause disturbance. The information can be provided, for example, by means of a bulletin distributed in mailboxes.
The permit for the private use of fireworks is granted as follows:
- Fireworks must end before 22:00.
- If only very low noise fireworks (up to 100 mm in diameter or equivalent noise level) are used, the fireworks must end before 24:00.
In Vihti and Karkkila, fireworks must always end by 22:00.
- Fireworks may be started at 12:00 on all days of the week. Earlier start time are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Return the form
- electronically (Fill out the notification and click "Submit") or
- by post to Palomiehentie 1, 02750 ESPOO; mark the envelope with “ilotulitukset” (fireworks).
The notification must be submitted at least 5 days before the fireworks. The organisation of fireworks requires the permission of the landowner. The decision is submitted to the notifier either by e-mail or by post.
Professional fireworks (fireworks displays)
The organisation of a fireworks display must be notified to the Western Uusimaa Police at least 14 days before the show is held.
The police may impose conditions and restrictions on the organisation of the display that are necessary for the safe handling of fireworks and public safety. The police may prohibit the organisation of a display if the requirements for the safe handling of fireworks and public safety are not met.
The notification of a fireworks display must indicate the location, exact time, type of fireworks to be used (flight altitude, sound volume), precautions to prevent problems and personal data of the users. The notification should indicate how the public is to be informed of a potential disturbance.
Approved times for fireworks displays:
- New Year: from 31 December, 18:00 to 1 January, 02:00.
- At other times, fireworks may start at 12:00 and must end before 22:00. Other times are considered on a case-by-case basis.
- If only very low noise fireworks (up to 100 mm in diameter or equivalent noise level) are used, the fireworks must end before 24:00.
- In Vihti and Karkkila, fireworks must always end by 22:00.
Notification of the storage of fireworks on shop premises
The notification of the storage of fireworks on shop premises must be submitted no later than one month before the start of the sale.
If the sales arrangements have not changed from the previous year, a concise notification of the storage of fireworks, in FinnishLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab can be accepted.
In addition, a written consent is required from the person in charge of selling the explosives for accepting the assignment.
If the responsible manager or arrangements have changed, a full notification with attachments is required (see the notification form at the end of the page). The decision of the rescue authority following the notification may impose conditions on the operation. In the area of Länsi-Uusimaa Rescue Department, all sales outlets are inspected during the sale.
The decision and the inspection are subject to fees at a confirmed rate.
The notification should be sent to the following address:
Länsi-Uusimaa Rescue Department
Onnettomuuksien ehkäisy (Accident prevention)
Palomiehentie 1, 02750 ESPOO
or palotarkastaja.lu@pelastustoimi.fi
Mark the envelope or subject line with “Ilotulitteiden myynti” (Sale of fireworks).
Additional information
On-duty fire inspector
tel. 029 151 2512, weekdays 9:00–11:30, palotarkastaja.lu(a)pelastustoimi.fi
Situation centre tel. 029 151 2112
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