
Finland sent more of civilian material assistance to Ukraine

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 12.10.2022 9.34
Press release

In August-September, Finland delivered a total of five trucks to Ukraine that contained civil defence equipment, hospital supplies and scanning equipment. The material assistance was provided through the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism.

- Russia has intensified brutal attacks on civilian targets in Ukraine this week. There is a great need for assistance, in addition of armed support they need civilian material assistance, such as medical supplies. We put together new consignments of assistance on a regular basis. I sincerely hope that the willingness of Finns to help will remain high. We must provide unwavering support to Ukraine, says Minister of the Interior Mikkonen.

Since February, Finland has sent 28 truckloads of civilian material assistance to Ukraine and four to Moldova. Six fire engines and 13 ambulances have also been sent to Ukraine. The monetary value of the civilian material assistance is around three million euros. Several sets of deliveries with a combined value of about two million euros are currently being prepared.   

In addition, experts have been sent to Poland, Moldova, Slovakia and the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) to support the coordination of assistance provided through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The ERCC coordinates the assistance to Ukraine and the neighbouring areas through the Civil Protection Mechanism.  

Need for assistance will continue in Ukraine for a long time

The aid operation is exceptional and the need for assistance is expected to continue for a long time to come. Rescue workers work in difficult conditions to protect the civilian population and will continue to need different kinds of material assistance. Ukraine currently needs medicines, first aid supplies, shelters, water purification tablets, mine clearance equipment, CBRN protective and counter-measure materials, back-up generators and fuels. The needs keep changing, however.  

The Ministry of the Interior is coordinating donations by businesses, organisations and public administration. For private individuals, the most effective way to help is by donating money to aid organisations. The donated items and supplies are delivered to those in need of assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and in cooperation with the responsible authorities in Ukraine. The assistance provided through the Civil Protection Mechanism is coordinated by the European Commission. This will ensure that donations can be monitored and reach their destination.

Pekka Tiainen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 227, 
Mikko Jalo, Special Adviser, tel. +358 50 304 8522,

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