Risk of a fire - pictures

The amount of goods in the apartment.

From the photos below, select the alternative that best describes the situation.

1. messy, items on tables and on the floor, moving and exiting is difficult and some of the access routes are blocked.


2. messy, plenty of items on tables and on the floor, moving and exiting is compromised, because the majority of the access routes are blocked.


3. very messy, a wealth of items on tables and on the floor, moving and exiting is extremely difficult and exiting has been compromised, because the access routes are blocked.


4. messy, heaps of items on tables and on the floor, moving and exiting is impossible, because there are no access routes.


5. the apartment is filled with items halfway up. Exiting is impossible.


 6. the apartment is filled with items all the way up to the ceiling. Exiting is impossible.